WF Reactive System (1)


  • Java 8
  • Scala
  • sbt
  • IntelliJ IDEA

Part I: Preparation from Template

Create new lagom project from template.

sbt new lagom/lagom-scala.g8

  1. Import project into IDE.
  2. Refactor project-name-API to create producer API and IMPL.
    1. rename folder wfproducer-API.
    2. Rename module wfproducer-API.
    3. Change new names in build.sbt lazy vals and bindings. Note: at this point you can remove lazy vals of stream services API and its implementation created by lagom template.
  3. Test by runAll. If you’ve done changes correct it’ll run.
    1. Go to: http://localhost:9000/api/hello/Martin

Part II: Define a Producer Service API

  1. Delete stream-api and stream-impl services. Do not forget to remove their references (lazy val) from build.sbt
  2. Since we’re building a reactive Weather forecast system we’ll handle user events on wf-producer service.
  3. Rename wfreactiveService Scala class of wf-producer-API service. Take into consideration that a service API is an interface that in scala is declared with a trait, so make sure to rename using IDE’s refactor capabilities in order to keep consistency and find usages on other scala files.
  4. Extract model from service api implementation.
    1. Create model package inside api.
    2. Move class to the new model package.
    3. Rename class and its companion object to WFMessage.
  5. Open WFService.
    1. Change the topic to wfTemperature.
    2. Change signature of wfTemperature.
    3. Remove other functions definition.
    4. Rename greetingsTopic function to wfTopic and its signature.
    5. Include pathCall to wfTemperature in descriptor.
    6. Remove the addProperty Kafka part.
    7. Delete case class GreetingMessageChanged part.

Part III: Define a Producer Service Implementation (impl)

  1. Producer commands Creation:
    1. Sealed trait WFCommand
    2. UseWFMessage
    3. WF
  2. Create companion objects for commands
  3. Create Serialized registry. Add all command case classes.
  4. Create system events:
    1. (sealed trait) WFEvent
    2. WFChanged
  5. Create Event Tag (WFEventTag) for Service.
  6. Add system events case classes to Serialized registry.
  7. Create WFState
  8. Add WFState to Serialized registry.
  9. Modify WfreactiveEntity.
    1. Rename it to WFEntity.
    2. Change Initial State
  10. Implement WFLoader
    1. Rename it to WFLoader
    2. override lazy val jsonSerializerRegistry = WFSerializerRegistry
  11. Implement WFServiceImpl
  12. Change in application.conf values of Loader

play.application.loader = com.example.wfreactive.impl.WFLoader

(This is a guide, a draft, will be completed with images soon)

About martincx

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